
Posts Tagged ‘Hex Dominant Meshing Method’

Meshing Methods (ANSYS Meshing)

April 23, 2013 6 comments

Meshing is an integral part of the computer-aided engineering simulation process. The mesh influences the accuracy, convergence and speed of the solution. Furthermore, the time it takes to create and mesh a model is often a significant portion of the time it takes to get results from a CAE solution. From easy, automatic meshing to a highly crafted mesh, ANSYS provides the ultimate solution. Once the best design is found, meshing technologies from ANSYS provide the flexibility to produce meshes that range in complexity from pure hex to highly detailed hybrid; a user can put the right mesh in the right place and ensure that a simulation will accurately validate the physical model.

Meshing Process in ANSYS Meshing :

 Meshing Process 2


Physics preference in ANSYS Meshing  are : Mechanical, Electromagnetics, CFD and Explicit.

Set Physics

Meshing methods available for 3D bodies  : Automatic, Tetrahedrons, MultiZone, Hex Dominant, Sweep, CutCell.

Meshing Method

Meshing methods available for 2D bodies : Automatic Method (Quad Dominant), Triangles, Uniform Quad/Tri, Uniform Quad.

Meshing Method_Surface

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